2008年5月28日 星期三





~王力群RandyWang.2008-05-28,Taipei 早晨.8:50



雷蒙 編譯









































  帕波萊的投資組合1999-2007年的年複利增長了29%,同期道指增長了4%多一點,在4,000多隻基金中排名第三(第一名ING Russia Fund為38.4%,第二名BlackRock Global Resources Fund為29.5%)。


2、商業週刊(Business Week)
5、紐約時代週刊(The Sunday New York Times)
6、傑出投資者文摘(Outstanding Investor Digest)
7、印度矽谷(Silicon India)
8、華爾街日報(The Wall Street Journal)
9、價值線上(Value Line)
10、組合報告(Portfolio Reports)



1. Aimr Performance Presentation Standard 1997 by Aimr(Author)
Aimr 成果描述標準1997
(Aimr 即Association for Investment Management and Research,投資管理和研究協會)

2、 Distressed Securities : Analyzing and Evaluating Market Potential and Investment Risk by Edward I. Altman
問題證券:分析和評估市場潛力和投資風險  愛德華·阿爾特曼

3、 Investing in Junk Bonds: Inside the High Yield Debt Market by Edward I. Altman, Scott A. Nammacher
垃圾債券投資:高收益債券市場的內幕     愛德華·阿爾特曼

4、 Valuegrowth Investing by Glen Arnold
價值成長投資 格蘭·阿諾德

5、 High Yield Bonds: Market Structure, Portfolio Management, and Credit Risk Modeling by Theodore M. Barnhill, William F. Maxwell, Mark R. Shenkman
    Theodore M. Barnhill, 威廉·姆麥斯威爾,馬克·森庫曼

6、 Baruch: My Own Story by Bernard Baruch
巴魯克:我自己的故事     伯納德·巴魯克

7、 Wealthy and Wise: Secrets About Money by Neuberger Berman, Heidi L. Steiger
財富和智慧:關於金錢的秘密  紐伯格·伯曼,海蒂·斯泰格

8、 Analysis of Financial Statements by Leopold A. Bernstein, John J. Wild
財務術語分析 Leopold A. Bernstein, John J. Wild

9、 Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk by Peter L. Bernstein
與天為敵:風險探索傳奇    彼得·伯恩斯坦

10、 Corporate Bankruptcy : Economic and Legal Perspectives by Jagdeep S. Bhandari(Editor), Lawrence A. Weiss(Editor), Barry E. Adler(Editor)
公司破產:經濟和法律的視角   Jagdeep S. Bhandari,勞倫斯·韋思,巴里·阿德勒

11、 Common Sense on Mutual Funds by John C. Bogle
共同基金常識                  約翰·伯格
(Wonderful Book. I highly recommend all of John Bogle's writings to any investor. John's views are strongly grounded with both theory and extensive empirical data.)
( 帕波萊評:精彩的書。推薦所有伯格寫的書。伯格的觀點總是有理論和大量的經驗資料支撐)

12、 John Bogle on Investing by John C. Bogle
伯格投資                    約翰·伯格

13、 Bankruptcy Investing : How to Profit from Distressed Companies by Ben Branch, Hugh Ray
危機投資:如何在問題公司中賺錢    本·布朗齊,胡奇·瑞

14、 Investment Titans: Investment Insights from the Minds that Move Wall Street by Jonathan Burton
投資巨人:推動華爾街的投資理念 喬納森·波頓

15、 Buffettology by Mary Buffett and David Clark
巴菲特原則         瑪莉·巴菲特,大衛·克拉克
(Buffett does not endorse this book. It misses out on the extensive Special Situations/Workouts that Buffett continues to invest in. It's a good book to get started on Buffett's investment approach, but not one to use as the ultimate guide).
( 帕波萊評:巴菲特並不認可這本書。該書遺漏大量的巴菲特投資。但它可以作為巴菲特投資方法的啟蒙書,但不能作為手冊。)

16、 A Money Mind at Ninety by Philip Carret
90歲老人的金錢觀              菲力浦·卡雷特

17、 The Art of Speculation by Philip Carret
投機的藝術                菲力浦·卡雷特

18、 Investing with the Hedge Fund Giants: Profits Whether Markets Rise or Fall by Beverly Chandler

19、 The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow

20、 The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
巴比倫富翁的秘密              喬治·克拉森

21、 Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies by Tom Copeland, Tim Koller, and Jack Murrin
          湯姆·庫伯蘭德, 迪姆·柯勒和傑克·穆林

22、 Security Analysis by Sidney Cottle
證券分析                西德尼·考特勒

23、 The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America by Professor Lawrence Cunningham
巴菲特致股東的信:股份公司教程     勞倫斯·卡寧漢
(The only book on Buffett endorsed by him. It's a good book to pick up after having read the last 20 years of letters to shareholders. He did a terrific job.)

24、 How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett by Professor Lawrence Cunningham
向葛拉漢學思考,向巴菲特學投資    勞倫斯·卡寧漢

25、 Conversations from the Warren Buffet Symposium; Cardozo Law Review, Vol. 19; Numbers 1-2; Sept.-Nov. 1997. Edited by Lawrence A. Cunningham

26、Outsmarting the Smart Money: Understand How Markets Really Work and Win the Wealth Game by Lawrence A. Cunningham

27、 Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns by Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, Mike Staunton
樂觀者的勝利:101年全球投資回報  愛羅伊·蒂蒙森,波爾·瑪什

28、 Finance Just in Time: Understanding the Key to Business and Investment Before It's Too Late by Hugo Dixon
及時融資:理解企業的關鍵,及時投資     胡戈·迪克松

29、 Point and Figure Charting by Thomas J. Dorsey
點和圖表                 湯瑪斯·道奇
(I'm not a chartist and this book didn't help me get excited about charting.)

30、 Contrarian Investment Strategies : The Next Generation : Beat the Market by Going Against the Crowd by David N. Dreman

31、 Contrarian investment strategy : the psychology of stock market success by David Dreman
反向投資策略: 股票市場成功的心理

32、 Tomorrow's Gold: Asia's Age of Discovery by Marc Faber
明天的金子:探險者的亞洲時代         馬克·法伯

33、 Why Smart Executives Fail: And What You Can Learn from Their Mistakes by Sydney Finkelstein

34、 Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher
普通股,不普通的利潤           菲力浦·費雪

35、 Developing an Investment Philosophy by Philip Fisher
投資哲學的拓展              菲力浦·費雪

36、 Conservative Investors Sleep Well by Philip A. Fisher
保守的投資人夜夜安枕           菲力浦·費雪

37、 The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin
通向財富之路             本傑明·佛蘭克林

38、 Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered: Wall Street Truisms that Stand the Test of Time by Anthony M. Gallea

39、 Fundamentals of Investing by Lawrence J. Gitman and Michael D. Joehnk
投資基礎            勞倫斯·吉特曼,邁克爾·喬恩科

40、 The Secret Code of the Superior Investor: How to Be a Long-Term Winner in a Short-Term World by James K. Glassman

41、 Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall Street by Benjamin Graham
班傑明·葛拉漢:華爾街教父的自傳   班傑明·葛拉漢

42、 The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Counsel by Benjamin Graham
聰明的投資人              班傑明·葛拉漢
(Wonderful Book. There is a lot of terrific data in this book. Needs to be read slowly and carefully - and then re-read. Strongly recommended).

43、 The Interpretation of Financial Statements by Benjamin Graham (1937 Edition)
財務術語解釋(1937版)         班傑明·葛拉漢

44、 Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd (1934 Edition)
證券分析(1934版)     班傑明·葛拉漢; 大衛·多得
(Make sure you read the 1934 edition. It is a terrific work and should be digested slowly).

45、 Security Analysis: The Classic 1940 Edition by Benjamin Graham, David Dodd
              班傑明·葛拉漢; 大衛·多德

46、 Storage and Stability by Benjamin Graham
儲備與穩定               班傑明·葛拉漢

47、 World Commodities and World Currency by Benjamin Graham (1944 Edition)

48、 The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham : Selected Writings of the Wall Street Legend by Benjamin Graham, Janet Lowe (Compiler)

49、 China's Stockmarket: A Guide to Its Progress, Players and Prospects (The Economist Series) by Stephen Green
中國股票市場指南:它的歷程,玩家和前景   斯泰芬·格林

50、 You Can Be a Stock Market Genius (Even if you're not too smart!) by Joel Greenblatt
你也能成為選股天才            喬·格林布賴特

51、 Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond by Bruce C.N. Greenwald
價值投資:從葛拉漢到巴菲特再到超越   布魯斯·格林伍德

52、 The Essential Buffett by Robert G. Hagstrom
巴菲特的精華              羅伯特·哈格斯特朗
(I recommend all of Hagstrom's books on Buffet. One should read them in sequence - "The Warren Buffett Way" followed by "The Warren Buffett Portfolio" followed by "Latticework" and finally "The Essential Buffett)".

53、 Latticework by Robert G. Hagstrom
從牛頓、達爾文到巴菲特:投資的格柵理論 羅伯特·哈格斯特朗

54、 The Warren Buffett Portfolio by Robert G. Hagstrom
巴菲特投資組合             羅伯特·哈格斯特朗

55、 The Warren Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom, Jr.
巴菲特投資之路             羅伯特·哈格斯特朗

56、 The Detective and The Investor: Uncovering Investment Techniques from the Legendary Sleuths by Robert G. Hagstrom
偵探和投資人              羅伯特·哈格斯特朗

57、 Beast on Wall Street by Robert A. Haugen
華爾街野獸                  羅伯特·哈根

58、 The Inefficient Stock Market by Robert A. Haugen
非有效市場                  羅伯特·哈根

59、 The New Finance by Robert A. Haugen
新財務                    羅伯特·哈根

60、 Business Masterminds: Warren Buffett by Robert Heller
企業主人思維                 羅伯特·海勒

61、 Introduction to Financial Accounting (7th Edition) by Charles T. Horngren, Gary L. Sundem, John A. Elliott

62、 Trendwatching: Don't be Fooled by the Next Investment Fad, Mania, or Bubble by Ron Insana

63、Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire by Michael T. Kaufman

64、Value Investing With the Masters: Revealing Interviews With 20 Market-Beating Managers Who Have Stood the Test of Time by Kirk Kazanjian
與大師一起投資:20位經過時間考驗的戰勝市場的經理的面談 科克·卡贊晉

65、Annals of Investing: Steve Forbes vs. Warren Buffett by Robert V. Keeley
投資記錄:富比世和巴菲特           羅伯特·凱利

66、 Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett by Andrew Kilpatrick (1994 Edition)
永恆的價值:沃倫·巴菲特的故事(1994)  安迪·基爾派翠克

67、 The Warren Buffett: The Good Guy of Wall Street by Andrew Kilpatrick
華倫·巴菲特:華爾街的好人        安迪·基爾派翠克

68、Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett by Andrew Kilpatrick (1998 Edition)

69、 Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
窮爸爸,富爸爸                羅伯特·清崎
(This is a quick read and a good read as an eye-opener. I don't agree to with some of his stuff, but have no argument with what he calls an asset and a liability).

70、 Retire Young, Retire Rich by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter(Contributor)
年輕富裕退休            羅伯特·清崎, 莎拉·萊琪特

71、Margin of Safety : Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor by Seth A. Klarman
安全邊際:思想型投資者的反風險價值投資策略   塞斯·柯拉曼

72、The Wealth and Poverty of Nations by David S. Landes
新國富論              大衛·蘭德斯
(Good book with some great insights)

73、Bulls, Bears and Brains: Investing with the Best and Brightest of the Financial Internet by Adam Leitzes, Joshua Solan

74、Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis
魔球:贏得不公平遊戲的藝術    邁克爾·路易斯

75、Benjamin Graham on Value Investing: Lessons from the Dean of Wall Street by Janet Lowe

76、The Man Who Beats the S&P: Investing with Bill Miller by Janet Lowe
擊敗標普的人:與比爾·米勒一起投資       珍妮特·洛爾

77、Damn Right! Behind the Scenes With Berkshire Hathaway Billionare Charlie Munger by Janet Lowe
查理·芒格傳                  珍妮特·洛爾
(Great book. Highly Recommended)

78、Value Investing Made Easy by Janet Lowe

79、Warren Buffett Speaks - Wit and Wisdom of the World's Greatest Investor by Janet Lowe

80、When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management by Roger Lowenstein

81、The Making of an American Capitalist by Roger Lowenstein
巴菲特:一個美國資本家的崛起       羅格·洛文斯坦

82、Beating the Street by Peter Lynch
戰勝華爾街               彼得·林奇
(I strongly recommend all of Peter Lynch's book esp. this one and One up on Wall Street.)

83、One up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
華爾街崛起(選股戰略)         彼得·林奇

84、A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
華爾街隨機漫步               波頓·麥基爾

85、An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus
人口理論隨筆               湯瑪斯·馬爾薩斯

86、The Warren Buffett CEO: Secrets from the Berkshire Hathaway Managers by Robert P. Miles
華倫·巴菲特的CEO :來自伯克夏·哈撒韋經理層的秘密

87、Standard and Poor's Stock and Bond Guide 2002 by Alan J. Miller(Introduction)

88、Standard & Poor's MidCap 400 Guide 2002 by Standard, Poor's(Editor), Alan J. Miller(Introduction)

89、Standard & Poor's 500 Guide 2002 by Standard, Poor's (Editor), Alan J. Miller (Introduction)

90、Beyond Wall Street: The Art of Investing by S.L. Mintz
超越華爾街:投資藝術        S·L·邁特

91、John Neff on Investing by John Neff with S.L. Mintz
約翰·內夫談投資         約翰·內夫 ,S·L·邁特

92、A Higher Standard of Leadership: Lessons from the life of Gandhi by Keshavan Nair
更高標準的領導力          凱夏文·納爾

93、Investing in Hedge Funds by Joseph G. Nicholas
投資對沖基金           喬瑟夫·尼古拉斯

94、The Education of a Speculator by Victor Niederhoffer
投機者教育            維克多·尼德霍夫

95、Practical Speculation by Victor Niederhoffer, Laurel Kenner
實用投機             維克多·尼德霍夫

96、Standard & Poor's SmallCap 600 Guide 2002 by James M. Nevler(Introduction)

97、The Real Warren Buffett: Managing Capital, Leading People by James O'Loughlin
真實的華倫·巴菲特:管理資本,領導大眾  詹姆斯·奧洛克林

98、A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market by John Allen Paulos
股票市場中的數學家          約翰·亞倫·保羅斯

99、The New Investment Superstars by Lois Peltz
超級明星的新投資           洛伊絲·佩爾特滋

100、Forbes Greatest Investing Stories by Richard Phalon
富比世最偉大的投資故事          理查·費農

101、Financial Times Mastering Investment: Your Single-Source Guide to Becoming a Master of Investment by James Pickford
財務時代主人化投資:唯一的資源成為投資的主人 詹姆斯·皮科夫德

102、Pratt's Guide to Venture Capital Sources 1999 (23rd Edition) by Stanley E. Pratt (Editor)
普拉特指明風險資本源頭1999 斯坦利·普拉特(編輯)

103、Markets Measure : An Illustrated History of America Told Through the Dow Jones Industrial Average by John A. Prestbo(Editor)
市場測量:道指講述美國的歷史     約翰·A·普瑞斯特堡

104、Expectations Investing: Reading Stock Prices for Better Returns by Alfred Rappaport, Michael J. Mauboussin
期望投資:讀懂股票價格,求得更好回報 阿爾弗雷德·拉巴波特,邁克爾·毛波辛

105、The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21St-Century Capitalism by Robert B. Reich, Jonathan B. Segal (Editor)
國家工作:準備好迎接21世紀資本主義  羅伯特·萊奇, 喬納森·塞格

106、Thoughts of Chairman Buffett: Thirty Years of Unconventional Wisdom from the Sage of Omaha compiled by Siimon Reynolds
巴菲特的思想:來自奧馬哈傳奇的30年不依慣例的智慧 西門·雷諾茲

107、Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip by Jim Rogers
資本家的冒險         吉姆·羅傑斯

108、Investment Biker: On the Road With Jim Rogers by Jim Rogers
投資騎士:與吉姆·羅傑斯一起走世界  吉姆·羅傑斯

109、Selling Your Story to Wall Street by Michael A. Rosenbaum
把你的故事賣給華爾街        邁克爾·羅森伯姆

110、Do Business with People You Can Trust: Balancing Profits and Principles by L.J. Rittenhouse
和你信任的人做生意          L·J· 瑞德豪斯

111. Lessons from the Legends of Wall Street : How Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Phil Fisher, T. Rowe Price, and John Templeton Can Help You Grow Rich by Nikki Ross, CFP
華爾街夢之隊               尼基·羅斯

112、The Davis Dynasty: 50 Years of Successful Investing on Wall Street by John Rothchild
大衛斯王朝:50年華爾街成功投資    約翰·羅斯切德

113、In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington by Robert E. Rubin, Jacob Weisberg
在不確定的世界裏          羅伯特·魯賓

114、Market Wizards : Interviews With Top Traders by Jack D. Schwager
金融怪傑           傑克··茨威格

115、The New Market Wizards : Conversations With America's Top Traders by Jack D. Schwager
新金融怪傑         傑克·茨威格

116、Where Are The Customers' Yachts? by Fred Schwed, Jr.
客戶的遊艇在那裏              小弗雷德·施韋特

117、Invest Like the Best by James O'Shaughnessey
像冠軍那樣投資             詹姆斯·P·奧肖內西

118、What Works on Wall Street by James O'Shaughnessey
華爾街股市投資經典             詹姆斯·P·奧肖內西
(Strongly Recommended. Great data.)

119、Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller
非理性繁榮                   羅伯特·席勒

120、Buffet Step-By-Step: An Investor's Workbook - Learn to Analyze and Apply the Techniques of the Master Investor by Richard Simmons
巴菲特步驟:投資人的工作冊   瑞查德·西門斯

121、Soros: The Life, Times and Trading Secrets of the World's Greatest Investor by Robert Slater
索羅斯:世界上最偉大的投資人的生活,時代和交易 羅伯特·斯萊特
(I don't believe Soros is the World's greatest investor. He's good, but Buffett is in a different league and has a much simpler and more effective model.)

122、The Art of Profitability by Adrian Slywotzky, et al
收益的藝術         亞德里安·斯萊沃斯基

123、The Money Game by Adam Smith
金錢遊戲          亞當·斯密斯

124、The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
國家財富          亞當·斯密斯

125、Supermoney by Adam Smith
超級金錢          亞當·斯密斯

126、Investing in Greater China by Irene So
在偉大的中國投資      愛琳·蘇

127、Standard & Poor's Stock & Bond Guide, 2003 Edition by Standard & Poor's

128、Standard & Poor's 500 Guide: 2003 Edition by Standard & Poor's

129、Standard & Poor's Smallcap 600 Guide: 2003 Edition by Standard & Poor's

130、Standard & Poor's Midcap 400 Guide: 2003 Edition by Standard & Poor's

131、Essential Stock Picking Strategies: What Works on Wall Street by Daniel A. Strachman
選股基本策略:什麼在華爾街行得通   丹尼爾·史卓克曼

132. Getting Started in Hedge Funds by Daniel A. Strachman
起動對沖基金             丹尼爾·史卓克曼

133、Pioneering Portfolio Management: An Unconventional Approach to Institutional Investment by David F. Swensen
先鋒組合管理               大衛·斯文森

134、Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
成事在天(《隨機的致富陷阱》)      納西姆 尼古拉斯 塔勒柏

135、Investment Gurus by Peter J. Tanous
投資專家                彼得·J·塔洛斯

136、The Company You Keep by Patrick Terrion
收藏公司                派特裏柯·特倫

137、My Vast Fortune : The Money Adventures of a Quixotic Capitalist by Andrew Tobias
我的巨額財富              安德魯·托比斯

138. The Midas Touch by John Train
富翁接觸                 約翰·特雷恩

139、The Money Masters by John Train
股市大亨                約翰·特雷恩

140、How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffet: Profiting from the Bargain Hunting Strategies of the World's Greatest Value Investor by Timothy P. Vick
巴菲特怎樣選擇成長股          蒂默西·維克

141、Wall Street on Sale by Timothy P. Vick
華爾街待售                  蒂默西·維克

142、Searching for Alpha: The Quest for Exceptional Investment Performance by Ben Warwick
搜尋絕對收益               本·沃維克

143、The Aggressive Conservative Investor by Martin L. Whitman
積極的保守投資人            馬丁·L. 惠特曼

144、Value Investing : A Balanced Approach by Martin J. Whitman
                     馬丁·L. 惠特曼

145、The Theory of Investment Value by John Burr Williams
價值投資理論           約翰·波爾·威廉姆斯

146、Maestro: Greenspan's FED and the American Boom by Bob Woodward
大師:格林斯潘和美國繁榮        鮑勃·伍德沃德

147、Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Letters to Shareholders 1977-1995. Two Bound books.
(Free to shareholderse of BRK.A or BRK.B with proof of shareholding; non-shareholders can send a check for $15 to Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 3555 Farnam Street, Suite 1440, Omaha, NE 68131.)
